Nederlands (NL) German (DE)

Liquid extracts / Extractum Fluidum (= EF) and Tinctures (= TC)


We distinguish:

  • Liquid extract
  • Tincture
  • Syrups

Liquid extracts

An Extractum Fluidum is a liquid extract (usually alcohol/water) of herbs. The alcohol strength depends on the constituents which are to be extracted. EF exist at strengths of 1: 1 to 1: 3. 
Tea is a common example of just an aqueous extract, but the disadvantage of a tea may be that some substances do not, or poorly solve in water. Liquid extracts usually contain more of active ingredients since there is a water/alcohol extraction. Ethanol, even at low temperature, extracts much more components than water. Alcohol/water mixtures have a significantly better shelf life than aqueous extracts, they are also user-friendly.


On the European continent it is customary to keep a ratio of 1:10 (herb: tincture). The NatuurApotheek has virtually all of its tinctures in strength 1: 5 to the Anglo-Saxon principle. That is more advantageous in price, creates better dosing possibilities and is perceived as pleasant by many users because less alcohol is taken. Jeremy Ross for example, uses tincture 1: 5 in his prescriptions. All recipes described by Jeremy Ross are also dispensed by our NatuurApotheek.


Syrups are good carriers for liquid extracts and/or volatile oils. Usually, the proportion is 20% of the liquid extract in the syrupus simplex. They make it really easy to take in. The content has a two-year shelf life. For patients who cannot tolerate sugar there is also sugar-free syrup.